Tuesday, August 13, 2013

transmission issues

My dad broke my transmission. It has a TH350 in it, the original one. He drove it around without fluid in it and it wont shift unless you put it through low and sport manually. I did a lot of research and considered some options:

I could put in a TH700 give it some bulk and add the extra fourth gear to it. However this would be costly and take some fabrication and shortening of the drive shaft

I could put in a TH200 4R which would give it four gears, not require cutting or fabrication, and can be built up to handle the weight and V8. THIS was my first choice, buuuuut unfortunately my transmission guy couldn't find one. Damn.

Lastly, there's the choice to rebuild the TH350 in it. I went with this choice because I got it done in Salinas for under 2,000. I chose it because of cost, it didn't require any cutting or fitting, and it keeps the car numbers matching. Just seemed right.

Unfortunately, the shifter in the car is now slight off of alignment and is one gear off when it clicks into place. For example: I used to hit the button pull it back through reverse and neutral release the button and it clunks into drive. Then I would be able to push it into neutral or hit the button and pull it into sport. INSTEAD it clunks into sport, I can push it into drive. Weird. 

At least it shifts nice and smoothly, has a new torque converter too.

I still need to hookup the kickdown cable however. That will get done after I swap manifolds.

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